Webinar series: NDEAM 2022
Building Capacity Through Employer Partnerships
October 25, 2022
Speaker(s) Shannon Webb, InControl Wisconsin, and Molly Cooney, Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities
Description: Employers have increasing workforce needs. A lot of people with disabilities want jobs. BUT…there are just not enough job coaches to go around! The Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities and Goodwill of North Central Wisconsin will share information about Wisconsin's Partners with Business Initiative (funded through WI Act 323), which supports agencies and employers to develop partnerships that lead to less job coaching support and more natural and paid-coworker support.
State as Model Employer
October 18, 2022
Speaker(s) Doug Crandell, MFA, Advancing Employment Director and Rikki David, Louisiana State ADA Coordinator’s Office
Description: How can a state influence the employment rates of people with disabilities? The answer is simple: through leading by example! This session will review the State as Model Employer (SAME) efforts in other states, focusing on how state agencies, not just those related to disability, can accommodate, customize, and prioritize employment initiatives that are inclusive of disability. We will review and discuss the one-pager related to SAME and lay out the plans for a focus group to take place during the Carter Center event on October 27th. Attendees will receive materials that can be used in advocating for SAME in Georgia. We can do this!
Accompanying Documents:
Employment Success Stories
October 11, 2022
Speaker(s) Ginia Taylor, Tawanda Blackwell, and Jasmine Duffey
Description: Please join us as we have a conversation with 3 Georgia employees from different parts of the state as they share their employment journeys. All 3 have unique journeys that will support learning for job seekers and their families, providers and employers. There will be an opportunity to hear their stories and then ask questions. We hope to amplify the successes of people throughout the state and through that support more people to find opportunities.
Georgia’s Coalition for NDEAM and Disability and Economics
October 4, 2022
Speaker(s) Doug Crandell, MFA, Advancing Employment Director
Description: Please join us as we kick-off Georgia’s collaborative observance of National Disability Employment Awareness Month. Hear about how each week has a designated theme, the proclamations taking place, and how the fifteen organizations are turning awareness into action. The agenda for the Carter Center event on October 27th will be shared as the capstone to the NDEAM initiatives in Georgia. In addition, the topic of Disability and Economics will be discussed. You won’t want to miss the opportunity to start NDEAM in Georgia off right!
22 Cents an Hour?! Georgians Deserve Better!
From Georgia Public Library Service
In Georgia, it is legal for employers to pay certain individuals wages below the state's minimum wage. Disabled Georgians are disproportionately affected by this policy.
In this interview, Sarah Trowbridge talks to author and disability advocate Doug Crandell about the history of subminimum wages and the fight for pay equity in Georgia and the United States .
Sarah Trowbridge is an outreach librarian for Georgia Library Service for the Blind & Print Disabled (GLS). GLS supports accessible library services in Georgia by promoting the use of assistive technology and by providing accessible reading materials to those who, due to a disability, are unable to read standard print. Learn more about GLS at https://gls.georgialibraries.org.