NDEAM 2022

Georgia Press Release: October 1st, 2022 – Today, ten entities in Georgia have joined in efforts to participate in National Disability Employment awareness month. The purpose of National Disability Employment Awareness Month is to educate about disability employment issues and celebrate the many and varied contributions of America's workers with disabilities.
Advancing Employment is joined in this effort by the Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities (GCDD), the Institute on Human Development and Disability at the University of Georgia, the State ADA Coordinator’s Office of the Georgia State Financing and Investment Commission, Georgia Vocational Rehabilitation Agency (GVRA), the Center for Leadership in Disability at the Georgia State University School of Public Health, Georgia Advocacy Office (GAO), the Georgia Commission on Equal Opportunity from the Office of the Governor, Georgia Council for Human Resources, Inclusively.com, Georgia Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled, The Arc of Southwest Georgia, Easterseals Southern Georgia, Aspire BHDD, and others.
Throughout the month, our team of collaborators will be engaging in a variety of activities to educate audiences on disability employment issues and its commitment to an inclusive work culture. Join us throughout the month as we host webinars and virtual events and share knowledge, resources, and proclamations through various media and social media platforms.
Employers and employees in all industries can learn more about how to participate in National Disability Employment Awareness Month and ways they can promote its messages — during October and throughout the year — by visiting www.dol.gov/NDEAM.

Partner links:
Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities
Institute on Human Development and Disability
State ADA Coordinator's Office
Georgia Vocational Rehabilitation Agency
Center for Leadership in Disability
Georgia Commission on Equal Opportunity
Georgia Council for Human Resources
Georgia Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled
NDEAM Goals:
In 2022, our team wants to ensure that NDEAM is more than just an awareness event. That is why we are committing ourselves to the goal of using October to devise and advance actionable items. We intend to use this platform as a means to achieve real, tangible changes for Georgians with disabilities. As such, we will divide October into four weeks - each with its own theme, geared to help us achieve results.
Weekly Themes:
These themes were chosen in order to reflect our commitment to our 2022-23 Policy Imperatives. We are firm believers that to realize the contributions of Georgia citizens with disabilities to the economic life of our state, a coordinated and focused approach to policymaking should be pursued.
Week 1: Disability and Economics​​
Week 2: Employer and Employee Stories
Week 3: State as Model Employer (SAME) - Click to open the SAME One-Pager
Week 4: Innovation in Employment Supports and Polices
NDEAM Webinars:
As part of our NDEAM effort, Advancing Employment hosted a monthlong NDEAM themed webinar series. These webinars can be found here.
The ADA Informer:
Our partners at the State ADA Coordinator's Office publish a wonderful quarterly newsletter. October's edition of The ADA Informer is dedicated to NDEAM 2022. Please check it out at: The ADA Informer Quarterly E-Newsletter | October 2022 (mailchi.mp)
2022 NDEAM Proclamations:
Advancing Employment and the Georgia Coalition for NDEAM collected proclamations from around the state throughout the month declaring October to be National Disability Employment Awareness Month.
Proclamation signed by Kelly Girtz, Mayor of Athens-Clarke County, GA

Proclamation signed by the City Council of Atlanta, GA

Proclamation signed by Nicole Hendrickson, Chairwoman, Board of Commissioners Gwinnett County, GA

Proclamation delivered by Atlanta City Councilmember Michael J. Bond