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Support Coordination Resources for Employment

Advancing Employment now offers training in employment services!

Geared specifically to support coordinators with an emphasis on gaining functional knowledge to assist job seekers in pursuing their own unique set of supports that result in an employment outcome. This training is offered online via Zoom and participants will receive a certificate. 


If you are interested in signing up, please fill out this form.

Our next training will be in October 2024.

Email for more information. 


We have

130 trainees registered

for the support coordination and employment training!

We have gathered some other helpful resources for you below.

DBHDD Support Coordination

Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities​



Bringing Employment First to Scale

Support Coordination Strategies that Impact Employment Outcomes and Services for Individuals Served by State Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities Agencies



AAIDD Support Coordination

American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities



NCAPPS - Opening the Door

Importance of Great Person-Centered Conversations on Employment

National Center on Advancing Person-Centered Practices and Systems



Disability Employment and Being Person-Centered in the New Normal

​National Center on Advancing Person-Centered Practices and Systems



Equipping Parents on the Road to Employment

​Tennessee Works



Family Perspectives on Employment

​American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities



Collaborating with families to create employment opportunities

Good fences make good neighbors: Collaborating with families to create employment opportunity



Building Friendships at Work

A Toolkit for Employment Specialists, Job Developers and Job Coaches

Let us know if you have resources to add!


Georgia Providers Receive Assistance from Advancing Employment

Read news below. 

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